Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Love Munich

First things first. I don't know if it is European food in general, or if it is all of the beer and Bavarian sausage I had today, but my stomach is NOT happy. I'll spare you the details.

Ok, now for the non-disgusting stuff. Munich is awesome. Definitely my fav so far. We went on the bike tour and it was great despite the fact I was still in the stuff I wore most of the day prior and slept in that night. The American tour guide turned out to be an awesome guy with a lot if knowledge about Munich.

We saw a lot of the major sites including a nudist park and the English garden. Sorry, but I can't remember the names of most of the sites. German is a funky language. We also went to the second largest beer garden in the world that 9,000 people. We had a beer chugging contest and my team lost. I hold Mark solely responsible. I also at some German sausage and chips. So good.

Ugh, there are just so many great things about this city. I definitely can't do justice in a blog. Sorry for that. Side note: it was HOT today. I felt sweat dripping all over me. That on top of no shower in over a day. GROSS. My poor tour mates. It was ok though. If they looked at me funny I planned on just pointing at Mark.

After the bike tour we had to go back to the hostel to finally check in and shower. We were about to head to Hofbrauhaus (huge, world famous beer hall) when a guy who worked at the hostel asked me to help him bring DJ equipment up from the basement? I'm Ron Burgundy? I complied. He was cool and promised me a free drink at the hostel bar later during the Cuba party. Random. Anyway, we ended up going to the beer hall with two girls who we met on the bike tour. It turned out they are staying at our same hostel.

Apparently they have been traveling since June around Europe, and didn't plan on going to Munich. There was some issue with of the girls' Colombian passport so they ended up here for a night. They are cool. So we went to Hofbrauhaus to drink huuuge beers and eat. I ate more sausage, but with sauerkraut this time. So good, but my poor stomach! After that we headed back to the hostel bar to join the fun of the Cuba Party.

The hostel guy kept his word on the free drink for helping him with the DJ equipment. They had jagermeister on tap!! Mark suggested we do a jagerbomb but I said they probably don't have red bull. Mark points behind the bar and behold, basically a pallet of red bull (no joke, there was a stack of like 500 cans). Niiiiice. It was fun, but didn't stay to long because I'm super tired. I must have drank a gallon of beer today. When in Rome... er, when in Munich. Rome is Sunday!

So now I'm blogging before bed. My mom emailed me today saying she is addicted to my blogs, but I don't update enough. So sorry to all of you who feel that way! I happen to think my blogs are quite timely AND informative. So there.

Tomorrow will be a long day I'm sure. We plan to take a bus ride to Neuschwanstein Castle and the Dachau concentration camp memorial site. If it is nice out, I also want to get back to the English Garden for more beer garden fun.

Talk to you again soon.

Auf widersehen,

Posted with LifeCast


Karen said...

Your Mom's right, but I planned ahead - I've been saving up your entries so I could have one big Kevin-stalking fest. It was awesome!

Looking forward to your next updates!

Unknown said...

Blame the sauerkraut. I'm pretty sure that's what messed with your stomach.
I totally agree with Karen - how random though, that we both decided to check out your blog today...